Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos

Pakistanis love cricket. It is the only sport which has been given proper space for development in the country and we have won all the major titles in it.

 This makes the players of this game a favorite among all. One fast bowler who has won millions of hearts with his aggressive performance on the field is Haris Rauf.

To work hard and get to where he is today and to be considered among the best fast bowlers in the world right now is definitely an honor. The star is resting as he was recently injured during the Pakistan vs England Test series and Haris Rauf seems to have made the best of his rest window as he got married to the love of his life Muzna Masood Malik today. Getting married.

See Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures here:

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures and videos
Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding pictures 

See Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood wedding videos here:

Haris Rauf has opted for an ivory sherwani and he is looking gorgeous and his bride has chosen the same color to compliment him. Haris Rauf’s team best friend and Lahore Qalandars captain Shaheen Shah Afridi is also here to celebrate his friend’s big day and his Lahore Qalandars family has also joined his real family. Here are some moments of Haris Rauf’s marriage.

Sahar Hayat shared new cute pictures with her husband

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