Celebrity dance at Saleem Sheikh's daughter's wedding
Celebrity dance at Saleem Sheikh’s daughter’s wedding

 Celebrity dance at Saleem Sheikh’s daughter’s wedding

The Sheikh Sabzwari clan is one of the few showbiz families in the country. Starting with Javed Sheikh and Behrooz Sabzwari, this family has produced many stars including

  •  Saleem Sheikh,
  •  Shahroz Sabzwari, 
  • Shahzad Sheikh
  •  and Momal Sheikh. 

Whenever there is a big event, this family has its own star power and it was a happy day at Salim Shaikh’s house as his daughter Nashmiya Salim Shaikh is getting married and the whole family is there to bless her Collects.


Celebrity dance at Saleem Sheikh's daughter's wedding

Celebrity dance at Saleem Sheikh's daughter's wedding

Celebrity dance at Saleem Sheikh's daughter's wedding
Celebrity dance at Saleem Sheikh’s daughter’s wedding


After an intimate ceremony and a beautiful Nikah ceremony, it was the day of Nishimiya’s Barat where the entire family of stars came together and performed on various songs. Everyone had a strong performance to give and it was definitely a wedding event that will be remembered for all the fun it brought. Here is Momal Sheikh shaking her leg at her cousin’s wedding.

Actress Sanam Chaudhary regrets her past life.

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